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image courtesy of I'm With Cupcake |
Age: 21
Location: Ottawa, Canada
Occupation: Full-time student, business owner
Website: http://www.imwithcupcake.com/
Can you please tell us a little about yourself?
I’m currently a full-time student majoring in Human Rights but I’m also a business owner. I run an online boutique called I’m With Cupcake. We sell a wide variety of items, ranging from party supplies to fun spins on everyday kitchen tools. Our store focuses on anything cute and unique that is guaranteed to put a smile on anyone’s face.
When I’m not studying for an exam or packaging orders I can usually be found in the kitchen mixing something and then eating it. I have an unhealthy obsession with chocolate and I tend to annoy the people around me by putting it in everything I bake. I also like to take what I’ve baked, plate it, photograph it, and then blog about it on Kitchen Karate.
When did you start your company?
The way that I’m With Cupcake came about is a long story. Actually, not so long. But the period of time that it took to start and then complete is long. Early spring 2010 it was time to look for another summer job. I couldn’t go the entire 4 months without making any money, but I’d worked retail before and it did not agree with me. There was a program run by my provincial government where students could start their own business for the summer. They would draw up a real business plan and pitch it and if they got approved they’d get a money to start a business for the summer plus more money at the end if their business was successful. I knew I wanted to do this. I pictured myself calling the shots for the summer and not getting screamed at by customers.
But, what would I do? I thought about and thought about it. I wasn’t going to be doing manual labour because I’m about as strong as a wilting daisy and I wasn’t going to be setting up a stand in the market because I really did not like downtown in the summer (way too hot). So, why not online? The idea could not have been farther from what I’m With Cupcake is today. I won’t bore you with the details but after being assured that I would be approved and that it was only a matter of time, I drove across the city to attend a day long training course that would teach us young entrepreneurs how to operate and what was expected of us in this program. I was even in the group photo. Sadly, I wasn’t approved because the program didn’t see that I would be much of a success. So, that idea was scrapped.
Fast-forward about eight months to January and I’m still thinking about my idea. Sure, I hadn’t been given the money to start it, but why should that stop me? I was going to do this. I revamped the idea and the name which was something completely unrelated to cupcakes, and set out. I found a web designer who was unbelievable to work with and so incredibly patient with me and my barrage of e-mails about the littlest thing. I found product I knew I had to carry and sort of formed the idea as I went; the entire time having this vision in the back of my head of what I wanted to do. Another six months and I’m With Cupcake was launched!
Do you run your website on your own?
I do! Thankfully though I have amazing people around to help me. My web-designer Sarah is so incredible whenever I have questions or send her panicked e-mails because something “disastrous” has happened. My parents are also a great comfort and confidence boosters. They were the ones who drilled it into my head about starting out organized with all the papers and finances instead of realizing a few months in that I needed to do it.
Aside from selling cupcake products, do you bake any cupcakes in your spare time?
Yes! I love, love, love baking cupcakes. It was my love of cupcakes that inspired the name of I’m With Cupcake. Usually I start out with a simple cupcake recipe and then when it’s time to make them stand out, that’s where I go wild. Of course, no cupcake would be complete without the most amazing butter-cream!
When I first started I knew that the products I wanted to carry had to be things that I would buy myself. If you don’t believe in what you’re selling, or at least like it, how can you expect other people to respond the same way? I try to fill a niche in a way. I try to find things that people would use anyways but when selecting the product I make sure it has a fun twist to it. I don’t think you’ll ever see us selling a regular wooden spoon.
My absolute favourite? That’s hard. After nearly a year with most of my product I’ve grown to love each one as if they’re all mine to keep. But, if I absolutely had to choose, it would probably be a tie between the Matryoshka Measuring Cups and the Cupcake Pillow!
What is your favorite cupcake flavor?
Honestly, to me, the base flavour doesn’t make the cupcake (although chocolate or vanilla can certainly help) as much as what’s on top. But, I like to stick to fairly simple combinations. I love topping cupcakes with Martha Stewart’s butter-cream and then taking that phenomenal recipe and adapting it with chocolate or different flavour extracts. I also love topping the icing with crushed up chocolate bars to add a different texture and, of course, more chocolate.
What is your favorite thing about cupcakes?
Definitely not the calories. Honestly, for so long I’ve loved watching people eat what I bake and then asking them what they thought. It might make me sound vain, but I love seeing people’s reactions knowing that they love them. Cupcakes truly are a unifying dessert, much like cake or pie, because really, no one can resist them.
I’d like to finish this tirade of thought by thanking so many people who’ve helped me and I’m With Cupcake grow. My parents obviously, for giving me life and thus giving I’m With Cupcake life. Really, you have them to thank. Sarah of Dodeline Design, my amazing web designer who is such a talented individual and an amazing business woman.
Finally, I just want to say that since I’m With Cupcake has launched I’ve had the opportunity to work with and learn from some amazing business owners, both on and off the internet, and bloggers. So many bloggers have believed in I’m With Cupcake and supported us from day one, whether it be through mentioning us on Facebook or Twitter, to posting about us on their blog, or just being open to me telling them about I’m With Cupcake. The power of the internet, and the people behind it, is an amazing thing.
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